Mayor’s Introduction

Teesworks is the UK’s largest freeport, unrivalled in its size, scale and opportunity compared with not just anywhere in the UK, but across Europe.

Backed with hundreds of millions of pounds of Government support, we have a 25-year vision for a world-class industrial site heavily focused on clean energy and advanced manufacturing.

When I talk to people about Teesworks, the first thing they think of is the former Redcar Steelworks, but this site is about so much more than that. The Teesworks area covers approximately 4,500 acres of land to the south of the River Tees.

4.5million sq ft of state-of-the-art manufacturing space for offshore wind that could create 4,000 jobs

New 1km quay will be constructed complemented by 500 acres for manufacturing, storage and handling facilities.

Although we have only owned the vast majority of the land for a matter of months, there is so much happening on site. Experienced property developers, JC Musgrave Capital Ltd and Northern Land Management have been brought onboard as partners to help drive the project forward. We’ve already announced some huge projects that will create thousands of jobs once the land preparation work is complete, including 4.5 million sq ft of state-of-the-art manufacturing space for offshore wind that could create over 4,000 new direct jobs.

This will be just a stone’s throw away from Net Zero Teesside. This major initiative, by five of the world’s largest oil companies, aims to lead the way in decarbonising the UK’s economy by using Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS). The scheme could capture and store up to 10 million tonnes of CO2 each year which is the equivalent to the annual energy use of more than three million homes.

Other key assets on the site include PD Ports, the UK’s Northern gateway for global shippers, Redcar Bulk Terminal, the deepest port on the East coast of England and Northumbrian Water’s treatment facility. An all-new new offshore wind port will be constructed at South Bank, supported with £20million of government cash for a new heavy lift quay. This is complemented by 500 acres for manufacturing, storage and handling facilities and global offshore wind manufacturer GE Renewable Energy is already signed up to build a multimillion-pound state-of-the-art wind turbine blade manufacturing factory on the site, paving the way for Teesworks to become the UK’s premier location for offshore wind.

Nearby, Wilton International works in tandem and is one of the UK’s most important locations for the process industry, offering low-cost utilities. To top it all off, Teesside will soon become the UK’s largest freeport and one of just eight nationwide. Sitting at the heart of the Teesside Freeport, Teesworks is primely positioned for businesses to benefit from generous tax reliefs and simpler, more convenient planning and customs procedures.

And crucially, it is skilled, dedicated, passionate local people who are undertaking the redevelopment work to get it ready for investment. The hundreds of jobs we are creating and the investment we are bringing in will help us change the skyline of Teesside forever.

This is a site with a proud history and one which has touched the lives of so many people, but it also has an exciting future and together we can make it a site that everyone in Teesside is proud of again.

Ben Houchen
Tees Valley Mayor,
Chair of Teesworks

Key Facts
  • - 25 year vision for a world-class industrial site.
  • - 4.5 million sq ft of state-of-the-art manufacturing space for offshore wind that could create 9,000 jobs.
  • - Net Zero Teesside aims to lead the way in decarbonising the UK’s economy by using Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS).
  • - Redevelopment work already started by skilled, dedicated, passionate local people to get ready for investment.

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